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Work Study & Student Employment

Federal work study funds provide a portion of the wages paid to students who are awarded campus jobs as a part of their financial aid offers. It is available to full-time or part-time students. Each student awarded funding is provided that information and their award amount in their financial aid offer and is based on FAFSA eligibility, available funding and the number of available campus positions.

Student employees work approximately 6 to 8 hours per week and are paid twice monthly at a starting hourly rate of $10. Students may have an additional appointment on campus that is not federal work study (such as tutor or internship positions). Students may not exceed 8 work hours per day or 16 hours per week.

All available federal work study jobs are listed on the hiring application Handshake, which all students have access to via the Office of Internship and Career Development. Students may begin to apply for jobs when they arrive on campus during Legacy: New Student Orientation. We recommend preparing your resume in advance to make your application process easier.
Agnes Scott does not guarantee job placement, as it is based on the number of open positions and the ability of applicants.

Learn more about federal work study

Eight things you should know about federal work study

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